Brandt Contracting, Inc.
40 Years of Steeple Repairs
Call 1-701-284-7504 or 1-701-331-0519

Brandt Contracting, Inc. - - Pisek, North Dakota











  Brandt Contracting, Inc. provides church steeple repairs and restoration, structural renovation, carpentry repairs, roof installations, roof repairs, crane service, inspections, exterior painting, interior painting, birdproofing, cross repairs, copper repair, slate repairs, and general contracting and renovation of commercial buildings and church structures in North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, and throughout the USA.

Brandt Contracting, Inc. travels to every state in the union.

Founded in 1980 and incorporated in 1985, Brandt Contracting, Inc. has participated in the preservation of architectural landmarks throughout North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, and other states.

Using traditional steeplejack ropes and scaffolding in the early years, Brandt Contracting, Inc. began using two bucket trucks in 1993. This capability gives our crews the ability to reach as high as 148' from the ground to provide extremely versatile and effective service to our customers.

Brandt Contracting holds a Class A contractor's license, provides workers comp, and is fully insured with a million dollar insurance policy.

Operating with the same talented and dedicated craftsmen for nearly 35 years ensures the highest standards of safety, workmanship, and customer satisfaction.

Employees and years of experience:

Bill Brandt - 35 years experience
Brian Brandt - 15 years
Daniel Costello - 25 years
Richard Nappen - 25 years
Bruce Ellingson - 15 years





Here are some examples of our work
completed over the years.
Click on the thumbnail images above
to see a larger view.




Brandt Contracting, Inc. - - Pisek, North Dakota


Brandt Contracting, Inc. - - Pisek, North Dakota


Brandt Contracting, Inc. - - Pisek, North Dakota


Brandt Contracting, Inc.
Bill Brandt, Owner


Church Steeples
General Construction
Crane Service, Elevators
Aerial Shingling, Painting


54 Railroad Avenue
P. O. Box 23
Pisek, North Dakota 58273-0023
Office (701) 284-7504
Cell (701) 331-0519

40 Years of Steeple Repairs
Call 1-701-284-7504 or 1-701-331-0519


Commercial & Residential Painting
"No Job Too Big Or Too Small"

Brandt Contracting, Inc. has the professional experience, specialized skills, and superior "high reach" equipment to handle the most demanding church steeple repair and renovation requirements.

Our Specialties: Church Steeple Repairs, Church Steeple Restoration, Structural Restoration, Carpentry Repairs, Roofing, Roof Insulation, Roof Repairs, Crane Service, Inspections, Reports, Exterior Painting, Interior Painting, Birdproofing, Copper Repair, Cross Repairs, Slate Repairs, Renovation of Commercial Buildings, Restoration of Church Structures. Brandt Contracting travels to every state, and has completed restorations of commercial buildings and church structures in North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, and throughout the United States.

Contact us for an estimate. Call us at 1-701-331-0519, write, or email us to discuss your steeple repair and renovation project. Join our long list of satisfied customers.











